

** Cityscape Outdoor Advertising Effect Measurement**

1. Reach:

  • Number of people exposed to the ad.
  • Measured through footfall counts, surveys, or digital analytics.

2. Recall:

  • Percentage of people who see and remember the ad.
  • Can be estimated through eye-tracking technology or recall surveys.

3. Awareness:

  • Level of recognition and awareness of the brand or product.
  • Measured through awareness surveys, social media mentions, or brand mentions.

4. Engagement:

  • Time spent on the ad, impressions per visit, or click-through rates.
  • Indicates how interested viewers are in the ad.

5. Conversion:

  • Number of people who take a desired action after seeing the ad, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or visiting a website.
  • Can be measured through website analytics, lead generation forms, or sales data.

6. Cost per thousand impressions (CPM):

  • The amount spent per 1,000 impressions of the ad.
  • Can be calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of impressions.

7. Cost per click (CPC):

  • The amount spent per click on the ad.
  • Can be calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of clicks.

8. Return on investment (ROI):

  • The total return from the ad divided by the cost.
  • Can be calculated by considering both the CPM and CPC.

9. Brand awareness:

  • Change in brand recognition or perception among the target audience.
  • Can be measured through surveys, focus groups, or social media sentiment analysis.

10. Competitive analysis:

  • Comparison of the ad's performance to industry benchmarks and competitors.
  • Can be measured through industry reports, advertising awards, or competitor analysis tools.